Nuremberg – Shaped by History
Mayors reveal their insider tips in the series “My city”. Part 19: Mayor Dr Ulrich Maly from Nuremberg.

Mayor Maly, what is special about your city?
Nuremberg has three quite distinct genetic fingerprints that have shaped and influenced the city: firstly the mediaeval imperial city of Nuremberg, secondly the industrial revolution, and thirdly the Nazi period with the Nuremberg Rally parade grounds and the Nuremberg trials. These contradictions are something the city has to live with both now and in the future.
What do you see when you look out of your office window?
St. Sebald Church, Sebalder Platz, the Fembohaus city museum and the exact part of Nuremberg Castle which flies the city’s flag.
Where in your city do you most like to spend your time?
The Kreuzigungshof in the Heilig-Geist-Spital is something of an insider’s tip – a real oasis of calm and historic atmosphere at the heart of the bustling old quarter.
Which of your city’s personalities do you value most?
There are many. I believe that we owe the most to all those individuals in politics, business and society who succeeded in transforming the Nuremberg that had been completely destroyed into a city with a high quality of life.
What would you like to show tourists?
The Gostenhof district because Nuremberg is so lively there and because it is a good marriage of the city’s bourgeois Wilhelminian history with today’s multicultural community.
Where can visitors best get to know the people of your city?
While shopping on the Hauptmarkt – the city’s main square.
And where do you most like to spend your vacations?
In the mountains of Italy – from north to south.