Environmental research in Germany
Research drives innovation – and that is true for the environment as well. Institutes present their work on these websites; the science services give you a look behind the scenes and directly into the laboratories.

This portal features information on corn, potatoes, flax, and woody plants and describes the role that genetic engineering plays in plant breeding and the possible consequences for mankind and the environment.
German Foundation for the Environment
How can you convert high-rise apartment buildings into energy-saving housing: anyone planning such innovative, exemplary projects for the preservation of the environment can apply for funding to the German Foundation for the Environment (DBU – Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt). The DBU, one of the largest foundations in Europe, is guided by the vision of sustainable development.
Helmholtz Association
How do oceans and polar regions affect climate, how do tumors form, how does the genome dance in response to infections and how do quarks and leptons behave in material - these are some of the questions explored by the centers of the Helmholtz Association (Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft e.V.). Germany‘s largest scientific organization conducts precautionary research in technology, the natural sciences, biology and medicine. It also develops equipment for pure and applied research.
Eco-Institute - Institute for Applied Ecology
In the 1970s, a group of anti-nuclear activists formed a creative alliance dedicated to the cause of preserving the environment in the long term. Today, the “Öko-Institut e.V.” is one of Europe’s leading independent research and consulting centers for a sustainable future. It is active at three locations, with the head offices at the “Sonnenschiff” (Sun Ship) in Freiburg.
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
Floods, drought, melting glaciers at the North and South Pole: the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) examines global climate change and issues involving sustainable development. Using computer simulations and data analysis, the Institute pursues research in close cooperation with other scientists of different disciplines all over the world. The PIK has acted in a consulting capacity for players in the public arena and politics since 1992.
Environmental Institute Munich
Is having an electric clock radio in your bedroom bad for you? Which types of floor covering might contain asbestos? If you are interested in ecology, the FAQs on the portal of the Environmental Institute in Munich (Umweltinstitut München e.V.) will provide you with some fascinating reading.
Hesse environmental research portal
Environmental research is not a scientific discipline, but a holistic issue. Environmental research comprises aspects from several disciplines within the natural and social sciences, engineering and economics. The first broadly based environmental-research portal in Germany gives an insight into research topics and lists environmental degree courses at German universities.
Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
Doing research towards sustainable development – the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (WI) has been examining the environment and its interrelations with the economy and society since 1991. The WI is part of the North Rhine-Westphalian Science Center; its customers include municipalities, ministries, associations and enterprises.
idw - Science Information Service
News from the world of science: Where do the people in the scientific community meet? What research findings will have a definite impact on our daily lives? The Science Information Service (Informationsdienst Wissenschaft – idw) delivers all kinds of news from universities, institutes, academies and foundations in German-speaking regions from around the world. The idw also serves as a point of contact between the experts and the media.