The History of Germany
These links can be used to research historical developments and documents on the history of Germany from its beginnings up until the present day.

German National Archive Online
Are you looking for the political party programs ofthe German Reich? Or official documents issued in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR)? Then the German National Archive is the place to go; it documents German history since 1815. The archive houses state records and documents from political parties, associations and organizations as well as from industrial companies and businesses. And there are also maps, plans and films.
National Foundation for the Reconciliation of the SED Dictatorship
The SED – the Socialist Unity Party of Germany – governed the German Democratic Republic from 1946 to 1989. Among other things, the National Foundation for the Reconciliation of the SED Dictatorship has been dealing with the repercussions of the SED’s politics on Germany as a whole, since the country’s reunification in 1989. The Foundation has its headquarters in Berlin. Go online here to get the information you need on the Foundation’s projects and documentations; counseling is also available to victims of the communist party dictatorship. Anyone interested in history can browse through the archive and the special scientific library. The “Kalendarium” makes a note of special commemoration dates and contains a current program of events.
History of the Berlin Wall
On August 13, 1961, streets in Berlin were torn up, barricades set up and barbed-wire fences erected. By the next day, 800 inhabitants of East Berlin had fled to West Berlin.
Get right into history: Clio-online is a specialized portal that bundles all kinds of Internet resources for historians and anyone interested in history. Go to this platform to study publications, browse through databases and library catalogs or get in touch with other historians. The project partners include libraries, universities and research facilities.
German Historical Museum
What is “German”? The collections and changing exhibitions at the German Historical Museum in Berlin (DHM - Deutsches Historisches Museum) document the culture and history of Germany from its beginnings to the present. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the DHM, which was first formed in 1987, took over the building and the contents of the “Museum for German History” in the former German Democratic Republic (East Germany).
House of the History of the Federal Republic of Germany
Experience German history: in the House of the History of the Federal Republic of Germany (Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland), historical developments and democratic traditions are made easier to understand through regularly updated objects. One main theme in the permanent exhibition in Bonn is separation and reunification in East and West German history. Visit the Forum of Contemporary History Leipzig (Zeitgeschichtliche Forum Leipzig), which pays tribute to the resistance and people’s courage in their convictions in the former GDR (German Democratic Republic), or go into the LeMO – the Live Virtual Museum Online (Lebendiges virtuelles Museum Online) – and obtain a comprehensive picture of German history from 1900 to the present. Here you can listen to recordings of different events, such as when Philipp Scheidemann proclaimed Germany a Republic in 1918.
Holocaust Memorial Berlin
Six million people. The number of murdered Jews of Europe stands for the ultimate crime committed during World War II and the darkest chapter in German history. A memorial has found its place in the heart of Berlin to remind present and coming generations of the horrors of the Holocaust. The Holocaust Memorial website gives you a first impression of the architecture and the philosophy of this place. You can discover how the idea developed to build the “field of pillars” and the museum. Especially recommended: an online visit to the “Room of names”, where the short biographies can be heard of more than 10,000 fellow human beings who fell victim to the Holocaust.
Political Education
From recent German history right on up to global social debates: the Political Education portal provides information from the central federal office and the state offices for political education at one internet address. The portal is operated by the German National Project Group for Political Education Online (BAG). Whether you are teaching, learning or just going through life with your eyes wide open, you’ll find a lot of food for thought, facts and download material on this portal. Use the common web catalog operated by the central offices to find specific information on topics that interest you, e.g. the “path to German unity”, the “global economy in crisis” or “energy and sustainability”. You’ll also find link tips, a program of events and information on current e-learning courses.
Foundation Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
Upholding the memory of all victims of National Socialism: the Foundation Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe looks after the memorial in the centre of Berlin – and, since 2009, the Memorial to the Homosexuals Persecuted under the National Socialist Regime and the Memorial to the Sinti and Roma of Europe Murdered under the National Socialist Regime. It also stages special exhibitions, lectures and seminars and compiles related publications.
“Remembrance, Responsibility and Future” Foundation
The “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future“ foundation, initiated by the federal government and the German business community, supports and promotes greater understanding between peoples. It works towards righting the wrongs committed by the National Socialists and provides information to young citizens on the many projects about the past. By 2007, the foundation had paid out approximately EUR 4.4 billion to former forced laborers and other victims of the National Socialist regime. This website provides information on the foundation‘s activities and on studies concerned with forced labor. Background information on meeting programs, competitions and student grants for the younger generation is available here online. Teachers can consult a database to find lots of interesting material for history lessons.
Paths of Memory
Use the interactive map to get to the theaters of war. You‘ll find a wealth of information what happened during the war years at the individual locations, along with photos, pictures and map material.