Hit the gas, study hydrogen
Hydrogen is the big topic of the future. Here you can find four universities that have already integrated hydrogen technologies into their courses of study.

1. Drivers of electromobility
Five member universities of the 'South West University Federation' ('Hochschulföderation SüdWest, HfSW) are pooling their expertise in the field of electromobility to offer a joint master's degree course in hydrogen and fuel-cell technology. The English-language course of study, which allows students to continue working at the same time, is closely linked in terms of content to the master's degree in electromobility and prepares students to develop alternative energy concepts in mobile applications.
2. Clean energy for chemical processes
The topic of hydrogen is prominently represented at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), especially in research-related courses of study in the Department of Chemical and Bio-engineering. Starting in the winter semester 2021/22, new English-language bachelor's and master's degree courses in Clean Energy Processes (CEP) will be offered. Studies will focus on the sustainable production, distribution and use of renewable energy for the chemical industry and on changes in chemical processes.
3. Safety of hydrogen technologies
The department of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy Technology (WKET) at Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden) offers elective modules on hydrogen as an energy carrier. Students of the diploma course in energy technology can expand their knowledge of nuclear energy technology, including dismantling power plants. The production and application of hydrogen as well as safety issues relating to hydrogen technologies are a second focus.
4. Sustainable storage of renewable energies
Wind, water, sun: energy-efficient technologies of the future play an important role at the Institute for Regenerative Energy Systems (IHRES) at Stralsund University of Applied Sciences. The bachelor's degree course in Renewable Energies teaches which technologies are available and how they can be integrated into energy supply networks. Hydrogen technology is a compulsory module in the 5th semester.
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