“The unis are doing a great job”
How are international students coping with the semester in Germany during the corona pandemic? Let them tell you themselves.

Xanat Herrera from Spain is studying computer linguistics in Stuttgart.
“When the corona pandemic began in the spring, I decided not to return to uni in Stuttgart. I had been spending the holidays at home in Spain and wanted to be with my family during those difficult times. The 2020 summer semester took place online for all students. I had the impression that it was very challenging for many people, myself included. We had a heavy workload and were unable to meet in person with our professors or fellow students.
Luckily I was able to return to Germany in July for my exams. The difference between Spain and Germany was very noticeable, and I was able to spend an almost normal summer in Stuttgart. Now we are beginning our second corona semester. I really hope our efforts will pay off – and that things will gradually improve.”

Anda Ardeoan from Romania is studying medicine at LMU Munich.
“My university responded quickly and well when the pandemic began: ten to 15 courses involved compulsory online attendance, and the university also offered podcasts and interactive online seminars. I found that good, especially as we were the first generation of students in this situation. We were able to take our exams in situ – with face coverings and social distancing, of course. I learnt a lot despite corona, though I would have liked to have a bit more patient contact during my medicine degree. All the same, I felt well-looked-after and safe in Germany, and the unis have done a great job overall. Let’s see how things now continue.”

Carlos Hevia Rosso, 24, comes from Tenerife and is studying psychology in Hamburg.
“I have been living in Munich since 2014 and studied business administration and psychology here. Now I’m beginning a master’s in psychology – though this time in Hamburg. All courses there will be held online this semester, so I won’t move and can continue living in Munich for now.
Actually it is during coffee breaks that you have many important experiences.
The uni in Hamburg even offers its introductory week in online form. It’s great that some older students are providing us with such a comprehensive programme, though I still think it’s a big shame that this semester will only be taking place virtually. After all, it is during coffee breaks with fellow students and chats with lecturers that you have many important experiences. I will miss this kind of exchange.”
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