Dream job: Youtuber
How to become a YouTube star, as explained by German Youtubers Freshtorge, Dima, Sascha Alexander, justCaan and Silvi Carlsson.

Germany. You only need to switch on the camera and the success will come of its own accord? Well, it's not quite that easy to be successful on YouTube. In a new book, German Youtubers explain how to make it in the video world and how they themselves become famous. We introduce them.
Funny, quirky and sometimes slightly wicked: meet Freshtorge, whose YouTube videos about Sandra, Lexa or Shyenne often attract over ten million clicks. Why are the videos so funny? Because comedian Torge Oelrich slips into all the roles at the same time and doesn't take himself seriously. "Actually, I only started it to entertain my friends," says Oelrich. But then other people enjoyed his stuff too. In the meantime, his channel has 2.4 million subscribers and he won the Goldene Kamera Digital Award in 2017.
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Dimitri and Alexander Koslowski have been real YouTube stars since 2009 as 'DieAussenseiter' (The Outsiders). Up until November 2012, their channel had the most subscribers of all YouTube channels listed in Germany. "My idea was to show people that you can also have fun as an outsider," says Dima Koslowski. In the meantime, the two cousins only work on their own channels, Dima and Sascha Alexander, where they offer an entertaining mixture of comedy, music and challenges.
Silvi Carlsson
You can't put a label on Silvi Carlsson. Each of her videos is individual and different, whether it's a parody of TV shows or Disney characters, or a question of what it would be like to date a social network. The 25-year-old also often takes on gender-based clichés. In 2017 she used her channel #erstewahl2017-Challenge to inform her audience about Germany's election.
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Every Sunday and Wednesday, 21-year-old Sabri Can Günaydi posts a new video on his YouTube channel 'justCaan'. A full-time job for the graphic designer. In his videos, he either plays pranks on his friends or develops challenges. Sometimes more than two million people watch. "It's often hard to realize that there are real people behind these figures. It really only became clear to me a short time ago, and now I pay even more attention to what I say in my videos," says Günaydi. He is currently developing his own format in which he tries to learn new languages. His video on Croatian has already become a trend in the country.

All quotes courtesy of the book 'Mein Leben als Youtuber' (My Life as a Youtuber, published by Verlag Plötz & Betzholz.