My Generation
Business researchers identify four different groups in today’s working world. Four generations in a nutshell.

Baby boomers, born 1950 to 1964

The first post-war generation usually grew up with several siblings and had to assert themselves in the years of reconstruction. That’s why they are associated with assertiveness and the ability to work in teams. This led to the success they were seeking in the working world. But they also broke with traditional norms and sought new values.
Generation X, born 1965 to 1980

Generation X grew up in a sheltered environment and without economic hardship. They often had good school graduation results, but instead of putting so much emphasis on work, they opted for a work-life balance. This generation is seen as consumer-oriented, unpolitical and somewhat pampered. Prosperity and financial security are important values.
Generation Y, born 1980 to 2000

Members of Generation Y were raised by caring parents and were involved in decision-making from an early age. That’s why they value the family and maintain close ties. They also demand participation in workplace decision-making processes, enjoy giving and receiving feedback and like to question things. They grew up during the age of digitalization, so they are technophiles but occasionally yearn for authentic things.
Generation Z, born 2000 to 2012

This generation is the first to have grown up entirely in a digitalized world. Social media occupies a large part of their lives. Members of Generation Z are again putting more emphasis on their career, but not at the expense of their private lives. In their professional lives they are more interested in recognition and self-fulfilment that in wealth.
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