Active commitment to diversity: the “People of Deutschland” project
Solidarity rather than discrimination: in the project “People of Deutschland”, individuals with a migrant background take a stand against racism.

The project “People of Deutschland” actively promotes solidarity and seeks to combat discrimination. For this purpose, people with a migrant background talk about their own experience with the aim of inspiring change. “We believe in the positive power of personal encounter – and that personal stories bring people closer together,” write the organisers. Everyday racism exists in Germany just as it does in other countries – sometimes lurking under the surface, sometimes out in the open. “People of Deutschland” seeks to raise awareness of this and initiate change in this way.
The project has resulted in the publication of a book in which authors from different areas of public life tell their stories.
By bringing out the book, the three initiators – Simon Usifo, Martina Rink and Sammy Hart – aim to show what strengths Germany is capable of developing if diversity is seen as an enrichment, and if people focus on what unites them rather than what divides them.

See here for details of the project.