Health in Germany
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Federal Ministry for Health
Live a healthier, more active and longer life - that should be possible for each and every one of us. Health policies aim to guarantee a high-quality healthcare system that is affordable at the same time. Among other things, the Federal Ministry for Health (BMG) is responsible for ensuring that the statutory medical and nursing care insurance systems operate properly.
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation,Building and Nuclear Safety
What is Germany doing to protect the climate? How can we make sure that energy remains affordable for everyone? What happens to old nuclear power plants? The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, BMUB for short, is responsible for defining and implementing sustainable environmental policy. The BMUB includes the Federal Environmental Agency, the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation and the Federal Office for Radiation Protection.
German Hygiene Museum (DHMD)
When the Dresden industrialist Karl August Lingner founded the German Hygiene Museum (DHMD) in 1912, it was designed to promote “a sensible and healthy way of life” within the population. Whilst some of the once spectacular exhibits, such as The Transparent Man, can still be seen in the museum today, the range now offered by the DHMD goes far beyond that of the original hygiene exhibition.