Islam in Germany
In Germany Islam is the faith with the most adherents after Christianity. A selection of interesting Internet sites.

Liberal-Islamic Assocation
The registered association represents the liberal positions of the understanding of Islam that is most predominant in Europe and offers a forum to all citizens who wish to engage with Islamic, interreligious and social issues.
Muslim Voices
The non-profit association called muslimische stimmen strives by means of its independent web project to promote pluralism and exchange and make a contribution towards solving social problems.
For personal and professional reasons three Muslim women, who are also scientists, engage (not just on the Internet under the name Nafisa) with the themes of “Women”, “Gender”, “Islam” in a pluralist society.
Centre for Islamic Women’s Studies and the Promotion of Women
This Centre of Islamic Women’s Research and Advancement is mainly involved in issues such as how Muslim women can take part in the democratic process of a civil society without having to abandon their religion convictions.
Coalitin of Muslim Women
The Coalition of Muslim Women in Germany (AmF) aims to network Muslim women and explicitly represent their interest within the Muslim community as well as in non-Muslim German society – especially regarding participation, gender justice, women’s self-determination and equal opportunity in all walks of life.
Frankfurt Initiative Progressive Women
The objective of this Frankfurt group is to draw public attention to the fact that social cohesion in diversity is possible, and to encourage the young generation to avail of opportunities for education/training and thereby participate actively in, and help shape social life.
Türkisch Islamische Union der Anstalt für Religion
This is a Germany-wide union of about 900 local congregations that strives to enable Muslims to have a place to practice their faith and to make a contribution towards integration. The DITIB is also involved in social, cultural and sports activities and offers educational courses.
Association of Islamic Cultural Centres
This non-profit association of Islamic cultural centres in Germany organizes social, religious and cultural events for Muslims. It links about 300 independent mosque and educational associations throughout Germany.
Alevi Community Germany
This is the umbrella organisation of the Alevi living in Germany and is a German phenomenon, in that it has no predecessor organization in Turkey. The Alevi number between 500,000 and 800,000 and thus form one of the larger religious communities in Germany. A major task of this association is to revitalise Alevism in Germany and Turkey.