Solutions for sustainable development
The GIZ operates worldwide – here you can find out four important facts about the organisation.

The GIZ is the Federal Government’s key player in implementing German development policy.
German development policy is dedicated to improving technical, social and ecological development as well as enhancing the living conditions of people in partner countries. In Germany this work is referred to as “development cooperation” – a term that best captures the idea of working together based on mutual learning and promoting self-help. German development cooperation is mainly implemented by the GIZ – the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH.
The GIZ has numerous different clients – both national and international.
The GIZ is a service provider owned by the Federal Republic of Germany that accepts commissions from German ministries, the European Union, other countries and also the private sector. The majority of its contracts come from the Federal Government, in particular the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). In 2022, the Ministry awarded the GIZ contracts with a total volume of 3.4 billion euros.

More than 25,000 people work for the GIZ worldwide.
The GIZ has more than 25,000 employees in 120 countries. It has one registered office in Bonn and a larger one in Eschborn near Frankfurt. More than 17,000 GIZ employees are on-site staff based in the partner countries.
The GIZ has been in existence since 2011, while the BMZ was established in 1961.
The GIZ was formed in 2011 from a merger of the GTZ (Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit), the DED (Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst) and InWEnt (Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gGmbH). The BMZ was established in 1961 – the first development ministry in Europe. This was a result of Germany’s experience as a recipient country: having suffered severe damage during the war, the later Federal Republic of Germany was rebuilt with billions in funding provided by the USA under the Marshall Plan.