Conceiving a feminist foreign policy
Kristina Lunz, co-founder and co-Executive Director of the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, wants to shift the focus of foreign policy.

Kristina Lunz is a German feminist and activist who advises various organisations, including the United Nations, and set up the Unidas women’s network for the Federal Foreign office. She is co-founder and co-Executive Director of the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy.
Ms Lunz, you are campaigning for a feminist foreign policy – what do you mean by that?
Power resources are currently primarily in the hands of privileged men. A feminist foreign policy involves wanting to dismantle these patriarchal structures in foreign and security policy. It also demands that the focus of foreign policy should no longer lie on military strength, but on human safety.
How do you support your cause?
I have initiated campaigns to change the German laws governing sexual offences – for example, the 2016 campaign called Nein heisst Nein (No Means No). In 2018, I co-founded the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, where we examine all areas of foreign policy. My goal is to create a lasting institution.
What have you achieved so far?
When we founded the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, we created the first grassroots organisation for feminist foreign policy. It was also within this framework that we carried out the very first feminist foreign policy events at the Munich Security Conference. In addition, we have conducted a study that examines what a feminist foreign policy would mean for the European Union. With our work we are making a strong contribution to continuing and broadening the debate about feminist foreign policy.
How important is international networking to you?
International networking is one of the most important keys to success. Everything we do is based on the achievements of international feminist civil society. We are standing on the shoulders of female giants who have already accomplished so much – for example, UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security. Our team and our collaborative partnerships are also international.
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