These are the arguments of the opponents of the G20
The G20 summit in Hamburg generates criticism and protest among many people. Who are the opponents of the summit and what are their demands?

Germany. The G20 summit in Hamburg on 7 and 8 July – and the G20 format as a whole – is not undisputed in Germany. There is lively debate about whether the heads of state and government of the most important industrial and emerging countries have the right answers to urgent global challenges. Three questions about and answers to criticism of the G20 summit.
Who are the critics?
Many different groups express doubts about the G20 and are actively supporting protests before and during the summit. The radical demonstrators who, for example, carried out attacks on railway lines in the run-up to the summit are in a minority here. The largest association of critics is the so-called G20 Wave of Protest. It is supported by 15 organisations, including Greenpeace, Oxfam Germany and the German Trade Union Confederation North. Political parties also support the Wave of Protest: for example, Alliance 90/The Greens and the Hamburg State Association of the Left party.
What are their arguments?
The reasons for their commitment are as diverse as the opponents themselves. The members of the Wave of Protest have agreed on four main demands:
- Equitable world trade: the G20 has strengthened the power of large corporations instead of limiting it, say the opponents. There is also criticism of trade agreements like CETA and TTIP.
- Renewable energies: the G20 has not combated climate change with enough determination – for example, with a significant expansion of renewable energies.
- Social justice: the G20 should do more to oppose social inequality in the world, which also leads people to leave their home countries and put their lives at risk.
- Greater democracy: in the face of authoritarian tendencies and increasing right-wing populism in individual G20 countries there is a need for more democracy, according to the critics, who incidentally emphasise that they very much support international dialogue on global challenges.
What are the opponents of the G20 planning?
The critics have already attracted attention with a large protest rally at the beginning of July. Appropriately for the Hamburg summit venue there was a “boat demo” during which demonstrators made their demands from the water. The G20 opponents want to supply critical information about the G20 and its policy to all observers during the summit.