Young, ambitious, political
Germany’s youngest members of parliament are eager to help shape politics. What is important to them, and what they want to change.

Germany. Gyde Jensen and Roman Müller-Böhm are the youngest woman and the youngest man in the new Bundestag. These are their aims.
Roman Müller-Böhm, 25, from North Rhine Westphalia

“I’m the youngest member of parliament in the new Bundestag. Since I’m currently studying law and computer science, it means I’ll be commuting between where I live in Mülheim an der Ruhr and Berlin. I’m not aiming to become a career politician.
I’m looking forward to giving my first speech in the Bundestag – but the thought of it does make me feel nervous.
When I was 16, I could only take part in the local elections. Even then I felt the urge to be actively involved, and I stood for The Youth Parliament. In 2016 I was asked if I would like to run as a candidate in the German federal election. I’m very interested in digitalization and education as well as the environment and mobility.
I want to make the work of a member of parliament transparent, I want to approach people, rouse an interest in politics and help to shape discussions. I’m looking forward to giving my first speech in the Bundestag – but the thought of it does make me feel nervous.”
Gyde Jensen, 28, from Schleswig-Holstein
“I’ve been a member of the Young Liberals in Schleswig-Holstein since 2010, because while studying political science and international politics I felt the practical side was missing. I received a lot of positive feedback as district chairwoman of the Young Liberals. Political involvement is growing again – especially following the Brexit vote and the strengthening of right-wing populist parties.
All of the democratic parliamentary groups should form a political counterpole against the right.
I want to engage in dialogue with citizens and represent the younger generation. I would like to work in the area of international politics, start-ups or the promotion of young people.
I’m expecting this to be a historical period of legislation, because we now have six parliamentary groups including the AfD in the Bundestag. All of the democratic parliamentary groups should form a political counterpole against the right.”