The ABCs of New Work
Agility, remote, purpose: the new work world brings with it new terms. Six keywords you should know.

Remote work
Remote work is an international trend that differs from working from home in that the work can be done anywhere. Contact with the company takes place via the internet or by telephone. All professions in which you can work online are suitable for this.
Agile working places speed, flexibility and proactivity in the foreground. In contrast to classic (“stable”) organizational structures, decisions in agile organizations are made not only at management level but also by employees who have the knowledge, experience and best project overview.
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Open consent formWork-life-blending
Work-life blending refers to the merging of work and private life in order to take more account of the individual needs of employees. The prerequisite is the decoupling of work from time and place. A consequence of the mixing, however, can be constant availability even in free time.
Crowd working
Crowd working or crowdsourcing is a form of division of labour that became possible only through digitization. It is mainly used in the creative industries, that is, by journalists, designers and programmers, who can work together on a project from anywhere in the world at any time.
Holocracy is a holistic organizational concept that breaks down hierarchies and introduces new, self-organizing units. Holocracy promotes greater employee participation in decision-making processes. The term is derived from the Greek word “holon”, which may be translated as “that which is part of a whole”.
The buzzword of the new work world is “purpose”. For a long time the point of work was to make money. Then Generation Y brought the work-life balance to the fore, and the millennials are now giving a new answer to the question about the meaning of work: work should also make a contribution to society.
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