Individuality is a must!
Body decoration fans are on their way to the Tattoo Convention in Berlin. An expert explains the tattoo boom in Germany.

Germany. Tattoo artists from around the world are presenting the latest trends at the 27th International Tattoo Convention in Berlin. Almost every tenth German has one or more tattoos, and with the under 25s it’s almost every third person. In the 1970s and 1980s tattoos were still frowned on. Nowadays this kind of body decoration is an accepted part of mainstream society.
Prominent role models
Tattoos became really cool when prominent personalities, such as the former German national handball player or the English footballer David Beckham paraded their tattoos like brand names at the end of the 1990s. Today, stars such as Rihanna, Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber and football stars such as Neymar or Lionel Messi are the role models.
Researchers are also interested in tattoos and their meaning. Dirk Hofmeister, a certified psychologist at the University of Leipzig, is following the growing popularity of tattoos. “The German tattoo boom has continued since the end of the 1990s.” He is investigating the reasons why more and more Germans are adorning themselves with tattoos.
Nowadays, tattoos are a status symbol, especially for younger Germans.
Tattoos emphasize individuality
“The main reason is to emphasize a person’s individuality,” says Hofmeister. “Originally it was only people on the margins of society who had tattoos. Even today, the tattoo conveys a non-conformist image, although 30 per cent of people under 25 now have one.” According to Hofmeister, other reasons include the desire to look more attractive or to eternalize positive life events, such as the birth of children.