Whisky from Germany
Outside Scotland, there is no other country with so many whisky distilleries as Germany.

Germany of course is the land of beer. You therefore rub your eyes in disbelief at this (sober) statistic: Germany takes in second place, following the frontrunner Scotland, in the number of whisky distilleries. There are around 29,000 fruit and grain distilleries throughout the country, of which 250 produce whisky. About 130 of these again operate in Germany expressly under the name of whisky distilleries.
Renowned along with the Scottish producers of whisky (so the Scottish spelling) are the Irish distilleries of whiskey (so the preferred spelling on the Emerald Isle). Whisky is also abundantly produced in the United States, especially bourbon. But across the pond there is a smaller total number of distilleries. Exotic producers include a few firms in India and Japan. In Germany, it is mainly small family businesses that experiment with the high-proof “water of life” and bottle it in small quantities. Robert Fleischmann from Franconia in Bavaria started his distillery the “Blaue Maus” (Blue Mouse) more than thirty years ago, and today whisky distilling has developed into a trend. The online portal www.deutsche-whiskys.de reports on the successes: “A few reviews of the whisky Pope Jim Murray have made professionals prick up their ears”. For instance, the Derrina Schwarzwälder Einkorn Single Malt Whisky, produced by the small distillery of Fitzke, scored 96 of 100 points – the hitherto best result for a German product.
Divided opinion of whisky lovers
The responses of whisky lovers have been divided. Some consider everything that does not come from the mother countries of the beverage as a sacrilege. They refuse to drink even a wee dram of it. Others like to try out new things. Experts recommend tasting a German whisky as a distinct drink of its own and not to compare it with Scottish single malt or blend. After all, there are now collectors of German whiskies. Well then – Slàinte mhath!
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