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Education through arts, Argentina

Casa Rafael aims to help children to find a way of living far from violence, drugs, and conficts with the law.



Project location: Casa Rafael is located in La Boca neighbourhood, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA., where we find a huge destitue population in psychosocial risk.
Housing conditions are very precarious and social inequality.
Population in the are suffer from the pollution of the RICAHUELO river, one of the most polluted in the world.
Violence, sexual promiscuity and drug conflicts are very present in this area.

Website: http://www.casarafael.org.ar/

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Project description:

The project consists in educating through arts, which involves more than 200 destitute children who participate in our "Alfabethization, Cinema, Dancing, Music, Plastic arts, Graffiti workshops" which allow them to discover their own internal ressources in a creative way in order to overcome the adversity where they live in as well as social and cultiural barriers.
Casa Rafael also allow the chidren to enlarge their horizons by visiting and participating of public concerts, visites to theatres, cinema, cultural places of interests.
Psichologist and social workers accompany and are present in all workshops because of the difficult situaion we work in.
Childrem are offered a complete snack. For some of them is the only meal of the day.

Goal and purpose of the project:

Casa Rafael aims to promote a resilient process so as to help destitue children to find a way of living far from violence, drugs, and conficts with the law.
We help them to be conscious of their dignity, self respect and own ressourses which allow social insertion and equity.
Casa Rafael proves that though this project more children continue scholarship and find better ways of living.


Motivation of the applicant / applicant team:

Casa Rafael proves its experience through 10 year service for destitue children. It is a very encouraging and and a long term projet wich aims to develop and discover the internal ressources of children in psychosocual risk with an innovative program associated to arts and the constant presence of psychologists and social workers.
This is a project that help to find new ways of living, increase the self respect, the auto estime for a dignity insertion in the society.
CasaRafael was able to form its own musical assembly who participate in public concerts in Buenos Aires ARGENTINA,

Use of prize money:

The prize money will be used to renforce the different workshop of Casa Rafael.