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Green World Green Future, Ethiopia

Balancing the weather condition is our responsibility. Therefore, this project empoweres and motivates everyone to plant trees by making it memorable.

Green World Green Future
© Green World Green Future

Project description:

Global Warming is causing many problems for humans and other species but we humans who make global warming happens. If human act continues releasing carbon dioxide to the atmosphere it is true to see the increase in temperature. The biggest solution that I found is to plant indigenous seedlings by making it interesting, memorable & Sustainable all over the world by mobilizing Government, citizens and International Organization like united Nation and other Organization who are engaged in environmental conservation. Planting is not the final but to look after is the biggest action that this project formulates. In order to increase the chance of the trees to grow the project will have a one or two time visit per a year plus individuals, Organizations and government can contribute financially for the project and the project will have a guard and gardener.

The implementation of the project is done by giving memorable days for special occasion like Green mother’s day, Green friends day, Green Voluntaries day, Green Artist day, Green Teachers day, Green Students day etc by preparing parks and seeding and on the seedlings there will be badge( made of metal) telling who plant to tree, when, what he want to see, say & wishes and to park is named by the special occasion and also by providing parks and giving for International, Governmental, Non – Governmental, Embassy, Private and other Business organization named by them and encouraging them to teach their employees and other stakeholders to put their memorable history on the organization and to contribute some for the world.

I need support from Government to prepare park for planting, I need organization to help me to provide seedling, to Facilitate advertising on TV, Radio prepare posters and Broachers and preparation of badges and Fence is the responsibilities of all concerned parties.

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Goal and purpose of the project:

Global warming increase the temperature, cause climate change, melting of ice, additional rainfall which causes flooding, more hurricanes, spread of disease and many others. All this has to be enough all people of the world everyone has to stand together and make our beloved world green and suitable for life.
Therefore, this project empowered and motivates everyone to plant trees by making it memorable and also, it can create a strong culture of planting trees, develop positive attitude and increase social action and awareness towards planting trees.
Balancing the weather condition is our responsibility. As a result, we will see Green World.
The future is in our hand let us making it green.

Motivation of the applicant / applicant team:

I prepare this project before 10 years when I was grade 12 student and I keep it for the day to come and now it comes. I am committed and devoted not only to make my vision to an action but above all to see the world green & suitable for life. It is true that on competition winning or losing is must .But nothing can stop me to make it real. I am young and I am born to make change. I am sure international organizations who engaged on the environmental conservation do not leave me alone.
Additionally, this project has benefit: For Business organizations it is an advertisement, For Factories and industries it is a way to show the care for the world for non- governmental, For organizations it shows they are working to change the world, For government it is showing it is playing its role, For individuals it is a symbol that he/she loves the world and it is memorial.
This project is applicable in every country.
Let us give and take if we give the world the plants temperature decrease and O2 increase

Use of prize money:

The prize money will be utilized for

  • Preparation of seedlings
  • Advertisement on TV ,Radio, Magazine and News paper
  • Purchase and construction of Fence
  • Badge preparation
  • Liaison and facilitation
  • Transport and telephone
  • Digging Hole
  • Laborer (wage)