Pacific Garbage Screening, Germany
The concept comprises the cleaning of the oceans as well as further usage of the plastic waste.

Project name: Pacific Garbage Screening
Project location: Aachen / Berlin / Hamburg
Project description:
The pollution of our oceans
Our oceans are the basis for all life on earth. But we, the humans, are destroying this basis.
Around 10% of the all produced plastic packaging winds up as waste in our oceans.
This is the greatest ecological issue of our time, so far there is no solution for this problem.
What is Pacific Garbage Screening?
PGS is our solution for clean oceans.
The basis of the innovative idea is a floating platform, positioned within the garbage patches. The special construction allows to filter plastic particles out of the water. The approach is an inverted sedimentation. Nets or other filter systems, which could endanger ocean life, are not necessary.
How does this principle work?
Slowdown the currents
Fast-moving ocean currents drag floating plastic particles as deep as 30 meters under the water’s surface. Ironically, plastic is lighter than water and would float on the surface – if the ocean currents were slower.
Natural Draft
We use the fact that plastic particles have a lower density than water. The expanding form of the PACIFIC GARBAGE SCREENING platform, along with a system of canals, located underwater, calm the ocean currents. That allows the plastic particles to float up to the surface with their natural draft.
Once on the surface, the plastic can easily be collected and skimmed. Nets or other filter systems, which could endanger ocean life, are not necessary
What to do with the gained plastic waste?
Utilisation and energy production
The gained plastic is not reasonable recyclable due to the fact that the molecular structure of the plastic is destroyed by salt water. An useful recycling (to produce new plastic) is not possible. A solution provides plasma gasification. In the process, the plastic particles are split into molecules. It creates a synthetic gas consisting basically of hydrogen and carbon dioxide.
The gained hydrogen could be used as an energy source for fuel cells. They could serve as an ecological and environmentally-friendly energy source for the platform functions.
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Einverständniserklärung öffnenGoal and purpose of the project:
Current Status
The idea of the project is based on a technology, developed within the scope of a masterthesis in architecture.
Since January 2017 a non-profit association pushing forward the concept: Pacific Garbage Screening e.V.
The primary objective is to develop a feasible technology and concept. The innovative approach of the platform serves as a visionary guideline. For the realization a lot of research is required.
All members of the Pacific Garbage Screening are doing voluntary work. The target is to get financial resources to offer some jobs for post students – to prove the idea and to develop a feasible technology.
What ist he benefit of the project?
A holistic approach of the problem
The concept of the Pacific Garbage Screening offers a holistic approach to clean up our oceans. The concept comprises the cleaning of the oceans as well as further usage of the plastic waste. In the end it provides an alternative product to conventional plastics.
No harming of ocean life
Nets or other filter systems, which could endanger ocean life, are not necessary. Fishes and other sea creatures can easily pass the platform without getting harmed.
Utilisation as a research station
The platform can be used as a research station. The positioning within the garbage patches and the depth of approx. 30 meters offers perfect conditions for all kind of ocean research.
Symbol and lighthouse project
The innovative design makes the project serving as a symbol and lighthouse project for the greatest ecological issue of our time. The design has a huge media impact and can be used to create awareness for the pollution of the oceans.
Motivation of the applicant / applicant team:
Our oceans are the basis for all life on earth. We humans are destroying this basis more and more. And we like to help our planet getting rid of the ocean pollution as well as we work an creating awareness for the pollution.
We cannot go on like this!
With a lot of engagement and passion we hope to make a contribution to save our oceans!
Use of prize money:
For now we are all working as volunteers for this project.
Our primary objective is to develop a feasible technology and to develop further the concept.
We like to use the money to start our Green Start Up on a more professional base and to put more and more manpower into three different targets:
- Finishing the funding proposals for research funds
- Starting our Green StartUp with a project plan for the next 5 years
- Creating awareness for the pollution in our oceans (as well as in our rivers in Germany)