Women Who Learn, Nepal
Women who Learn is initially an online project promoting the significance of young girl education in the world along with women empowerment.

Project name: Women Who Learn
Project location: Nepal
Website: http://womenwholearn.wordpress.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenwholearn/
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Einverständniserklärung öffnenProject description:
Women who Learn is initially an online project promoting mainly issues concerning the significance of young girl education in the world along with women empowerment. The world needs more intellectual women, more dignified women, women who will contribute in STEM professions, women who are thinkers, diplomats and entrepreneurs. Women who have abilities to create, change and lead. Women who learn,are the women who dream, the women who inspire, the women we want.
Goal and purpose of the project:
- The project is focused for raising awareness and brainstorming necessary ideas and solutions for the millions of education deprived young girls around the world. Targeted towards mostly youth, youth over the world have the ability to revolutionize any ideas into reality. The more people get interested the more global the reach becomes.
- Campaigns initially starting online, connecting with the changemakers around the world for conducting women who learn impact and challenges.
- Educating under-privileged families and societies about the importance of educating a girl child.
- Encouraging women in STEM professions.
- Encouraging young girls and women to take up leadership activities/roles to strengthen their leadership skills.
- To empower young girls and build-up confidence in them by promoting intellectual importance over current media unrealistic beauty/body focused trends and legacies.
- Ending child marriages and early pregnancies.
- Connecting with organizations around the globe with similar values and collaborating for the initiatives that brings out the best interaction and promotion of women’s education culture to the society and youth.
- Getting more youth participation (esp young women) and getting them involved in working for educating young girls.
- Building a world where more girls have access to education and can dream as freely as every other schooled girl child.
Motivation of the applicant / applicant team:
It occurred to me while travelling one day,seeing a naive teenager married to a man in his late forties and the way he treated her disrespectfully in front of other travelers, gave me the notion that this was the story of every other girl in a rural areas where they're not aware of the abilities they hold and the wonders they can do to the world. What limited life anyone without knowledge lives and especially women and young girls are the most vulnerable.
Why isn't every girl in the world lucky enough to learn? Why isn't every girl child able to attain education so common in this era, where technology seems to do wonders? Why most women end up in exploitation and abuse? Why does child marriage still exist? These questions motivated me, made me question my own endeavors, as to why, myself, am not doing anything for change? Not standing up for something I believe in?
Then I went on writing certain articles, blogs about these issues and also creating social media pages still unable to reach up to mass of people. I believe with the help oft this platform G20, I will be able to succeed on-field,creating change I want to see,not just locally but globally.
People, from where I come have limited opportunities like this despite having a lot of potential. I also want to be an inspiration and motivating factor to people in my country, Nepal in going after what they believe in and that they too can achieve their aspirations.
I just want to promote intellect and education, not just locally but globally.
Use of prize money:
The prize money would be used for creating a fund for women who learn to conduct every programs and campaigns in the future for promotion of girl education.