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Companies commit openly to supporting their employees

European Diversity Month recognises organisations that contribute to promoting diversity. Four examples. 

A lot of companies organise food gatherings as a form of cultural exchange.
A lot of companies organise food gatherings as a form of cultural exchange. © picture alliance / Westend61

Global Villages 

International IT service provider GFT Technologies SE based in Stuttgart organises “Global Villages” at various locations. These involve team members giving talks to present their home country. After a round of questions, specialities are served that are typical of the country in question. By organising these events, the company is seeking to set an example to the outside world, as well as highlighting its own diversity.  

International lunch break 

During European Month of Diversity, the food manufacturer Schreiber Foods in the Allgäu region organises an international lunch break every day. There are a total of 28 nationalities represented among the company’s employees. Anyone who wants to can contribute to a colourful buffet by bringing along a dish from their country of origin. In a company that produces food, it is particularly important for people to familiarise themselves with different eating habits. 

Diversity pub quiz 

German communications consultancy FGS Global has offices in Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Munich, Paris and Zurich. During Diversity Month, teams take advantage of the opportunities offered by these big cities. They organise diversity pub quizzes and speed dating sessions that focus on diversity issues. The insights are then shared among the company’s more than 300 employees. 

Intercultural cookbook 

Food again: the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research in Würzburg collects recipes from its employees, spices them up with stories from the cultures in question and publishes the result as a digital cookbook. The institute also offers a test on the subject of diversity. People can jot down their ideas and put them up on a pinboard for others to see.