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Citizen in uniform

The Bundeswehr lives by the democratic values of the Federal Republic of Germany – these are the three most important principles. 

Recruits doing voluntary military service for homeland defence
Recruits doing voluntary military service for homeland defence © Bundeswehr /Tom Twardy

Living in a democracy and being a soldier don’t always seem fully compatible at first glance: many people associate the latter primarily with command and obedience. But the Bundeswehr in Germany operates according to principles that reconcile military requirements with democratic values.  

What does the concept of the “citizen in uniform” mean? 

The idea of the soldier as a “citizen in uniform” is the guiding concept behind what is known in the Federal Armed Forces as “Innere Führung” – leadership development and civic education. It emphasizes that, in the Bundeswehr’s understanding, soldiers (and formerly conscripts) are first and foremost citizens: this means they are allowed to participate in political life and indeed encouraged to pursue ethical and political education. It is a principle that has been in force ever since the Bundeswehr was founded on 12 November 1955. 

What does “Innere Führung” mean in the Bundeswehr? 

The concept of “Innere Führung” was developed when the Bundeswehr was first established. It is based on the model of a soldier who thinks for themselves and acts responsibly. Requiring all Bundeswehr personnel to uphold the free and democratic constitutional order of the Federal Republic of Germany, this principle defines the limits of command and obedience: soldiers must refuse to follow criminal orders. The goal is to align citizens’ individual rights with the military duties of a soldier.  

Why is the Bundeswehr known as a “parliamentary army”? 

According to the principles of “Innere Führung”, democratically elected political leaders have ultimate authority over the military. Parliament – i.e. the Bundestag, – exercises central oversight over the armed forces: it must approve all armed deployments, for example – the government may only propose them. There is also an official Parliamentary Commissioner for the Armed Forces, who any soldier can consult directly. This person ensures that the dignity and fundamental rights of all service members are upheld at all times. 

The most important thing, however, is to consistently practise our leadership culture in every single situation, every single day.
Major General Ansgar Meyer, commander of the Leadership Development and Civic Education Centre.

Values in action in the Bundeswehr

Leadership has to be demonstrated by and experienced through example and practised within the community. Besides the theoretical instruction provided to recruits during their basic and ongoing training, this is the most effective means of conveying our values. As part of the personal development process, for example, civic education is made available to troops, in the command centres, offices and other departments to raise awareness about the meaning of service and the defence-worthiness of our values system. 

Career development courses prepare leadership personnel to serve as role models, while additional impetus is provided during the commander, unit commander and company sergeant courses that still take place at the Leadership Development and Civic Education Centre. In addition, the Centre offers leadership personnel and those with a multiplier role numerous training courses and seminars covering everything from participation rights and issues of diversity, methodology, political and historical education to contemporary leadership in all relevant areas.